100 Reasons Blog

Growth and Action for Career Satisfaction

The Three C's of Choosing a Coach

You've decided you need a coach. Congratulations! This is a major step in taking control of your career and charting a new course for success. But now comes the hard part: how do you choose the right coach? With so many options out there, it can be tough to know where to start.

Here's a helpful guide to finding the coach who's right for you. Look for someone who is competent (credentials and experience), compatible (chemistry), and committed (to your success and to helping you make lasting changes). These are the three C's of choosing a coach.

1. Credentials and Experience
The first thing you'll want to look for in a coach is credentials and experience. What kind of training and experience does this person have? Do they have any relevant certifications? What is their coaching philosophy?

2. Chemistry
It's also important to find a coach with whom you have good chemistry. This is someone you'll be working with closely, so it's important that you feel comfortable with them and that you...

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Giving up Happiness for Popularity?

It is inevitable that, when looking at the popular crowd, people will make assumptions about the politics involved. However, there is more to this group than meets the eye. There are several reasons why being popular is only sometimes what it seems.

For one, the popular crowd is often made up of people considered to be "conformists." This means they generally follow what most people are doing or saying. Although, as a result, they may not always be expressing their true beliefs, popularity can be beneficial for your career, but it can be detrimental to your happiness.

We start working because we have to; money, food, and shelter are key. Growing up, were you told to follow your dreams, or did you grow up knowing work is a way of life? No matter why or where we started, we begin to wander and wonder how we fit into the big corporate world.

As things progress, confidence becomes a friend we are constantly chasing. We assume some have it; others don't, and we watch other professionals...

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Networking as a Career Strategy

Have you ever heard that your NETWORK is your NET WORTH?

So why do we resist networking? It moves so many out of our comfort zone in different ways, and that's okay. But what if you are overthinking it?

What is keeping you from networking, and what story do you need to tell yourself to get started?


We must network. That is all they tell you in the BEGINNING. Employers spend time setting expectations and training employees, but very few explain why networking is essential, and even fewer model networking or provide successful strategies. Without mentorship, it can feel like an awkward dance of reaching out and struggling to find your way through a conversation without a clearly defined outcome.

When prioritizing so many things in your career, it is hard to see the long-term benefit of taking time for something that does not have an immediate ROI. However, for success, you need to believe...

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Feel Stuck in Your Career? Find Your Opposite.

Something missing in your career? Feeling stagnant? Need a reboot?

Find your opposite.

So often, we look at our peers and colleagues as our competition, but what if they are there to compliment our style, teach us and learn from us throughout our career journey? Think about it; we become stuck, and instead of looking for new answers, we start to fear uncertainty, which spirals into insecurity. It stalls us out and moves into negative emotions, self-talk, and resistance.

We naturally like to work with people who think and act like us. They are easier to collaborate with, not to mention easier to manage. At work, we know we should collaborate. Still, in reality, we often need to move to consensus quickly to meet the business's demands, robbing us of the mind-expanding exercises we need to facilitate growth.

But what if we found a partner that didn't think like us? When we engage with them, we will begin to expect the unexpected, reducing the emotional reaction (the amygdala...

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No Guilt!

Who has more demands? You or your employer? If your employer struggles to meet your needs, this is for you.

When it comes to your career, do you struggle to balance your responsibility to yourself and the organization? I talk a lot about this with my clients. The word they often use is GUILT. Many times we have to go back to the beginning of this relationship to remember how it started. 

You and your employer made a mutual agreement. You accepted your employer's offer, and they committed to pay you to perform a job. It was business. 

The longer you are there, the more invested you become in the relationships, the work, and the results. Then, as time passes, you expect more from each other. Your employer watches you build new skills and wants you to take on more responsibility. You feel accomplished and successful. You may expect a raise and promotion in return, but the recognition feels good

But then, one partner in this...

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Title Matters. Stop Saying it Doesn't.

Title matters. When I was younger, I was naive to think that the work I did and the people I did it for were what mattered. Then I got promoted. Overnight, everything changed. I was invited to more meetings, asked to weigh in on more situations outside of my department, and had a more significant influence on the organization.

With that being said, some leaders had always treated me with the same respect. Most of the executive team would see me in the hallway and stop for a genuine chat expressing great interest in whatever conversation we had that day - but with others, it was different.

I only bring this up because TITLE should be part of your career strategy. While the title may not change the work you are doing or the satisfaction you get out of your role, it can benefit you in many other ways.

First, sadly, people treat you differently internally and externally. The vendors and consultants you work with externally make initial judgments about you when they see your title....

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I Believe in JOY at Work!

I believe in JOY, even at work. This statement may sound a little Polyana, but I have experienced it in the corporate world and as a coach. I believe you can too. However, it is work (not the job - finding the joy).

Looking for joy? Then it is time to begin your quest for the path that leads you to that magical experience we all deserve. To start, are you even on the right track? Has the career path you have taken brought you something to look forward to next week, next month, or next year? Do you see a clear path ahead for your career?

If the path is correct, then is the work meaningful to you? So many get lost because they start their careers worried about what their parents expected or what their college peers believed they should be doing, and they find it hard to pursue their dreams after a few years in the job market. What do you believe? Whether you are keeping the cafeteria clean at the elementary school or working towards world peace, every job is essential...

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I hope you dance on the roof!

I originally posted the story of my first furlough on my LinkedIn profile the day before I  headed back to work. I was surprised by the response I got in the comments and overwhelmed by the private messages.

It gave a voice to many who had similar experiences. Those who had lost their balance, boundaries, and understanding of their worth to the organization.

TODAY I share this with you as a reminder that you deserve a job you LOVE, but your job should not define who you are in life. 

The world is changing, and everyone has their own experiences. Every experience is real; the fear and pain is real—this is my experience of spending 30 business days on furlough – and mine alone.

Here is how it went down - I got the news on Wednesday that I would be starting furlough the following Monday. I am one of those crazy people that loves to go to work EVERY DAY. For someone who has worked consistently for as many years as I have, it was hard news. My...

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Strengthen your Credibility by Closing the Loop

It wasn't my plan to write about closing the loop, but it came up in three conversations this week. So before we get started - here is a recap of the stories shared with me this week.

One connection of mine told of a story where two separate people had reached out because their company needed someone with her skills, but she never heard back. 

The second example came when a friend told me of her frustrations with people reaching out to network, but once she responds, she hears nothing for weeks. She was especially frustrated because they were the one that needed the favor.

The third was a client discussing the age-old story of being ghosted by a recruiter. 

Do any of these situations sound familiar? With each person, I tried to play devil's advocate about what may have happened. The job filled faster than they expected, life gets busy, and delivering bad news is never easy. But is it fair to make excuses for these people?

Before I get on my soapbox, we have all done...

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What Story does your Career Arc Tell?

One of my favorite leaders always discussed the career arc when presenting potential candidates to the team. He wanted to know that they still wanted more; even if it was not moving to the next position or level in their career, they needed to want to achieve more, be more and give more. If they had stalled out and lost their curiosity, they were not getting the job.

So, where are you in your career arc? Have you reached the goals you set out for yourself? If you are living your dream, what is next? Many hit the goals they set out to achieve but then get lost in day-to-day work and wake up unsatisfied or exhausted.  Just a thought, even if you currently believe there is not another title ahead of you - there is always room to grow. When faced with success, why do we become complacent to our own limiting beliefs?  What can you do to make sure you aren't already sliding down the back end of the slope?

But wait -before investing more time in work, step back...

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