No Guilt!

career strategy career success happiness at work personal development Aug 01, 2022
No Guilt

Who has more demands? You or your employer? If your employer struggles to meet your needs, this is for you.

When it comes to your career, do you struggle to balance your responsibility to yourself and the organization? I talk a lot about this with my clients. The word they often use is GUILT. Many times we have to go back to the beginning of this relationship to remember how it started. 

You and your employer made a mutual agreement. You accepted your employer's offer, and they committed to pay you to perform a job. It was business. 

The longer you are there, the more invested you become in the relationships, the work, and the results. Then, as time passes, you expect more from each other. Your employer watches you build new skills and wants you to take on more responsibility. You feel accomplished and successful. You may expect a raise and promotion in return, but the recognition feels good

But then, one partner in this relationship grows faster than the other. The relationship is no longer balanced. One party is receiving more than the other. 

 Some examples of how this unbalance may manifest for the employee:

 ⚖️ You outgrow your job, and there is not a position available that matches your skills

 ⚖️ Your salary does not stay competitive with the market

 ⚖️ You are at the top of your game but are not afforded the benefits and flexibility someone with your experience deserves

What are your options? First, speak with your supervisor to ensure they know your career goals and ask them to help you devise a plan to get there. Be direct; ask if their supervisor is also aware of your goals. 

 Next, research how internal transfers and promotions work within your organization and what resources or partners can help you understand various career options/paths.

AND THIS IS WHEN THE GUILT MOVES IN...If this becomes frustrating or feels like a dead end, instead of moving forward with plan B, you feel guilty about the thoughts of leaving (because you have a great boss, what would the team do without you, they would be short-handed - there are many stories you can tell yourself). 

And when you know that the opportunities will not be available on your timeline, you often make excuses as to why leaving would not be the best option. Not sure what I am talking about - does this sound familiar? What if I am not successful in a new role? They know me here. I don't want to start over. What if I go and hate it?

The good news is, it's your decision. But if you are unsure what to do and find yourself in this situation, ask yourself these questions

❓How did I initially come up with my promotion timeline?

❓What would change if my timeline changed?

❓How long can I stay in this role until it jeopardizes my long-term goals?

❓What emotions am I feeling about coming to work every day?

❓What examples have I seen that the organization can or cannot eventually meet my needs?

If you feel guilty, let me take you back to the beginning. You and your employer made a mutual agreement. You accepted your employer's offer that they committed to pay you to perform a job. It was business. 

It would be their responsibility to remove you from the position if you were no longer meeting their needs. It is your responsibility to make big decisions if they are not meeting yours.

Even in the best organizations, employees are responsible for protecting the organization when making team decisions. I left my corporate leadership role to provide leaders with an unbiased sounding board, helping them assess their situation, chart their path and balance their priorities while putting their needs first. Let's spend thirty minutes together to find out what working with a coach could do for you. 




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