100 Reasons Blog

Growth and Action for Career Satisfaction

The Answer to the Mentor Shortage

Despite the widespread acknowledgment of mentorship's benefits, many individuals face a daunting challenge: finding a suitable mentor. Mentorship is a tricky road because while some programs will "match" you with a mentor, the mentee and mentor must connect on a deeper level to get the whole experience. 

Mentorship requires dedication on both sides but is not always a reciprocal relationship. One person gives more and is needed more, and not always at opportune times for the giver. Now, the mentor does get a reward; they experience a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction through the dopamine boosts derived from feeling needed, offering valuable advice, and the positive emotions associated with contributing to others' growth and well-being.

As you pursue a mentor, remember what you ask of this person. They need to be able to make the time for you, be honest and willing to provide difficult feedback and push you out of your comfort zone into the space where growth happens....

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Who Wants a Raise?

Everyone is feeling the pressure of inflation, including your company, making it even more critical that you are the leader that gets ahead of the conversation. Depending on when your fiscal year ends, your company may be getting close to budgeting season. This means you need to be planning ahead. If you plan to ask for a raise, a promotion or have an idea for a new role that is literally "built for you" or someone on your team, you need to start developing your strategy to present the case for yourself and the high performers on your team.

The bottom line is there will be a pool of money - some companies divide it equally among every team member. Others divvy it out according to performance. Many hold a portion of the "raise pool" aside to care for those below the range or at risk. 

Keeping the leadership team up to date with employee performance, risks, and expectations ensures you and your team are part of the conversation once the budget is in place and they start meeting...

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