It's Never Too Late

career strategy career success personal development Sep 18, 2023

Stepping into her new role, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease.

Working alongside Ph.D.s was uncharted territory for her. Before a single word was exchanged, she filled her mind with doubts. What if they asked her questions she couldn't answer? What if they ignored her completely? The idea of being approached by a team of Ph.D.s, eager to hear her thoughts, was a scenario she never could have fathomed in a different industry.

You see, she worked for the same company for over 25 years.

She held several jobs and moved up, down, and sideways as the company expanded and contracted.

She loved the job until she didn't, yet she still stayed too long.

One day, the fear of staying finally overcame the fear of going.

Once she did the work, she had opportunities she could not have imagined previously.

It was beyond her wildest dreams a year ago; now, it is her life.

What dreams have you not yet dreamed?

Ready to explore what a promotion or job move would mean to your future? Let's connect:


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